Gas Compression Engines

Cat G3408

Tough and durable, built on the industry-standard G3400 platform bring maximum uptime and low operating cost to your operation. G3408 engines meet the most demanding continuous duty gas compression applications with virtually no unscheduled downtime.Ideal applications for G3408 engines include gas lift, gas gathering, and wellhead gas compression. Cat G3408 gas engine. Ratings: 190-298 bkW (255-400 bhp) @ 1800 rpm are NSPS site compliant capable with customer-provided air-fuel ratio control and aftertreatment or available for non-regulated areas.

G3408  Gas Compression Engines


Cat Engines For Gas Compression

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G3408  Gas Compression Engines

Cat G3408

Gas Compression Engines

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Cat G3408 Gas Compression Engines