ATS MX Contactor

Cat MX250 Microprocessor Controller

The MX250 microprocessor is standard with the entire CTS product family. The MX250 Series includes all the standard features of the MX150 Controller while offering expanded programmability and field adaptability. The high reliability and ease of unattended operation makes it ideal to use in a wide range of mission critical applications.

MX250 Microprocessor Controller

The MX250 microprocessor

is standard with the entire CTS product family

The High Reliability

and ease of unattended operation makes it ideal to use in a wide range of mission critical applications


MX250 Microprocessor Controller Spec Sheet

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MX250 Microprocessor Controller

Cat MX250 Microprocessor Controller

ATS MX Contactor

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Cat MX250 Microprocessor Controller ATS MX Contactor