Battery Energy Storage Systems

Cat Power Grid Stabilization (PGS) Module

The Cat® Power Grid Stabilization (PGS) module is a scalable, rapidly deployable energy storage system. The PGS integrates with solar or other renewable sources to provide short duration power when the renewable source is not available. The PGS also provides reserve power to optimize generator set operation. The system may provide temporary backup power to facilities in the event of a power outage.

Power Grid Stabilization

Up to 1260 kilowatts

Generator set transient-assist enables operation of highly-efficient lean-burn gas gensets in island mode,  shutdown of one or more gensets for fuel savings,​ and achievement of high power quality on highly transient loads​

Up to 30 min. Continuous Power

Enables smoothing of intermittent medium-penetration renewables, backup of facilities from outages, and contribution of ancillary services to grid

Over 100+ megawatts parallel-ready

Multiple modules used in parallel increase total output


Power Grid Stabilization (PGS) module

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Power Grid Stabilization

Cat Power Grid Stabilization (PGS) Module

Battery Energy Storage Systems

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Cat Power Grid Stabilization (PGS) Module Battery Energy Storage Systems

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